Wedding Locations at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Punta Cana

Table of Contents

Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Punta Cana is perfect match for those couples who want a lavish wedding destination. This place shines like a diamond on an engagement ring. Situated on one of the most astonishing beaches in the Dominican Republic, this hugenormous hotel has 1,790 appointed rooms and suites and quite large number of places suitable for weddings, both for ceremonies and receptions.

As a experienced Punta Cana photographer I had an opportunity to work many times in this Punta Cana jewel. We will try to give you, in the following post, information about HRPC locations, best to our knowledge and using the photos from our many HRPC weddings. Our recommendation is that you use this post as a guide, to give you an idea how some of the locations look like with the wedding on site. From the perspective of a Punta Cana wedding photographer. For more precise information about each location it is best to consult your Hard Rock wedding specialist and your Hard Rock wedding coordinator.


Beach Wedding Locations

If you are standing at the center of the Hard Rock hotel beach facing the ocean, ceremony location from left to the right end of the beach are Harmonica Palafitte, Harmonica Beach, Isla Beach and Piano, Torro Beach, Trumpet Beach and Ipanema Palafitte.


Harmonica Palafitte

It is the wedding location on the beach with the wooden walkway that goes in-between two palm trees in the middle of walkway. Those two palm trees are giving a skilled photographer additional photo opportunities. Since this is the left end of the hotel and there are no other hotels further down the beach, there are usually no people in the background.


Harmonica palafitte photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

harmonica palafitte HR Hotel Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Hard Rock wedding

Harmonica Palafitte HR PC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Palafitte HRPC

Harmonica Palafitte by Photo Cine Art

Harmonica HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Palafitte HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica palafitte HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Palafitte


Harmonica Beach

Wide clean beach location, without palm trees and no walkway, close to the Isla Restaurant. As a photographer I personally adore minimalistic photos. I doesn’t get much more beautiful than this. To have clear blue sky, warm Caribbean sand and turquoise ocean and your wedding ceremony in the middle of it.


Hard Rock by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Gazebo at Hard Rock Hotel photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Hard Rock Gazebo Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Beach Hard Rock Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Beach ceremony Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Beach bride

Harmonica Beach by Photo Cine Art

Harmonica Beach by Photo Cine Art


Isla Beach

With clusters of coconut palms bristle along the beaches and soul-warming ocean this wedding location is suited for a larger groups, walkway is added sometimes (wooden white).


Isla Beach HRPC photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Isla Beach HR by Photo Cine Art

Isla Beach HR PC

Isla Beach Hard Rock

Isla Beach by Photo Cine Art


Piano Beach

Another stunning tropical location suitable for smaller groups because of its proximity to the train stop, Element terrace and Isla restaurant.


Piano Beach HR Punta Cana by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Piano Beach by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Piano Beach HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Piano Beach photo by Photo Cine Art

Piano Beach HRPC by Photo Cine Art

Piano Beach Hard Rock Punta Cana wedding photographer

Piano Beach Hard Rock Punta Cana by Photo Cine Art

Piano Beach Hard Rock Punta Cana

Piano Beach HR Punta Cana

Piano Beach HRPC Punta Cana


Torro Beach

This beautiful beach location is situated almost in front and left of the #THIS IS HARD ROCK PC sign. Suitable for large number of guests. Usually used for events, receptions, beach parties…


Torro Beach photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Torro Beach HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Torro Beach HOTS production photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Torro Beach HR PC

Torro Beach HR PC by Photo Cine Art

Torro Beach HR by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Torro Beach by Punta Cana wedding photographer


Trumpet Beach

This glorious wedding location is settled along idyllic sweeps of palm-fringed beach giving all the feels of the glittering tropical paradise scene. It’s located at the right of the #THIS IS HARD ROCK PC sign.


Trumpet Beach Hard Rock Hotel Punta Cana wedding photographer

6 Trumpet Beach Hard Rock by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Trumpet Beach HR photo by Photo Cine Art

Trumpet Beach HR by Photo Cine Art

Trumpet Beach HRPC photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Trumpet Beach HR PC photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Trumpet Beach HR PC

Trumpet Beach Hard Rock Punta Cana wedding photographer

Trumpet Beach Hard Rock Punta Cana

Trumpet Beach

Down the aisle Trumpet Beach HRPC

Ceremony at Trumpet Beach HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Trumpet Beach HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Trumpet Beach Hard Rock

Trumpet Beach Hard Rock Hotel Punta Cana wedding photographer

Flowers Trumpet Beach Hard Rock

Trumpet Beach Gazebo HR Punta Cana wedding photographer

Trumpet Beach Gazebo HR


Ipanema Palafitte

It is located on the far right end of the hotel. It also has wooden walkway build in with couple of small palm trees around it. Uncrowded beach and clean sky-ocean-sand look makes it perfect location for beautiful Caribbean wedding ceremony.


Ipanema Palafitte Gazebo HRPC photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Ipanema Palafitte Hard Rock Photo Cine Art

Ipanema Palafitte Gazebo HR photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Ipanema Palafitte Gazebo Hard Rock photo by Photo Cine Art

Ipanema Palafitte ceremony HRPC photo by Photo Cine Art

Ipanema Palafitte Bride walking HRPC photo by Photo Cine Art

Ipanema Palafitte aisle HRPC photo by Photo Cine Art

Ipanema Palafitte HRPC

Ipanema Palafitte HR by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Ipanema Palafitte HR PC

Ipanema Palafitte Hard Rock photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Ipanema Palafitte Hard Rock by Photo Cine Art



Wedding locations with built in gazebos are Harmonica Gazebo, Piano Gazebo and Trumpet Gazebo.


Harmonica Gazebo

This is quadrate structure with concrete columns and roof with wooden elements, surrounded by pool. Usually used for reception and sometimes for wedding ceremony too.


Harmonica Gazebo

Harmonica Gazebo Hard Rock

Harmonica Gazebo HR Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Gazebo HR PC

Harmonica Gazebo HR Punta Cana

Harmonica Gazebo HR at night Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Gazebo HR at night by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Gazebo HR at night

Harmonica Gazebo HR at night photo by Photo Cine Art

Harmonica Gazebo first dance by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Harmonica Gazebo ceremony by Photo Cine Art

Harmonica Gazebo ceremony photo by Photo Cine Art

Harmonica Gazebo photo by Photo Cine Art

Harmonica Gazebo aisle by Photo Cine Art

Harmonica Gazebo photo by Photo Cine Art


Piano Gazebo

Piano Gazebo is round structure covered with cana – dried palm trees branches, surrounded by pool. Big advantage in comparison with wedding ceremony on the beach is that you will have total shade with the light breeze coming from the beach if you don’t mind not having ocean in the background.


Piano Gazebo HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Piano Gazebo HR PC by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Piano Gazebo Hard Rock photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Piano Gazebo Hard Rock by Photo Cine Art

Piano Gazebo photo by Photo Cine Art

Piano Gazebo Hard Rock Hotel Punta Cana wedding photographer

Piano Gazebo Hard Rock Punta Cana wedding photographer


Trumpet Gazebo

Very similar to Piano Gazebo, Trumpet Gazebo is a round structure, covered with palm leaves, surrounded by pool. Located close to the beach, between Toro and Ipanema restaurants. Used also for both, wedding ceremonies and receptions.


Trumpet Gazebo

Trumpet Gazebo Hard Rock

Trumpet Gazebo photo HR by Photo Cine Art

Trumpet Gazebo photo by Photo Cine Art

Trumpet Gazebo party

Trumpet Gazebo HRPC photo by Photo Cine Art

Trumpet Gazebo HR PC

Trumpet Gazebo Hard Rock photo by Photo Cine Art

Trumpet Gazebo by Photo Cine Art

Trumpet Gazebo HRPC


Eclipse Canal

Eclipse canal is a very long knee-deep water pool in the middle of the hotel. For wedding ceremonies clear plexiglass structure is constructed over the canal. With the palm trees in the background and on the sides, everything has an extraordinary elegant, jet-set, tropical feel without being directly on the sand. It is quite common for the official catholic religious ceremonies given that those are not allowed to be held on the beach.


Eclipse Canal at night photo by Photo Cine Art

Eclipse Canal at night Hard Rock hotel

Eclipse Canal Hard Rock hotel

Eclipse Canal ceremony HR PC

Eclipse Canal ceremony HR

Eclipse Canal Gazebo on the water HR

Eclipse Canal Gazebo HR

Eclipse Canal Gazebo HRPC

Eclipse Canal Gazebo Hard Rock

Eclipse Canal Bridal party Hard Rock

Eclipse Canal Ceremony Hard Rock

Eclipse Canal Hard Rock Punta Cana

Eclipse Canal Hard Rock PC

Eclipse Canal HRPC


Plazas, Terraces and Pools


Isle of Wright Plaza

Used usually for events, gatherings, concerts. Suitable for big events with large number of guests.



Isle of Wright Plaza HRPC

Isle of Wright Plaza

Isle of Wright Plaza Hard Rock

Isle of Wright Plaza HR

Isle of Wright Plaza HR event

Isle of Wright Plaza event

Isle of Wright Plaza photo by Photo Cine Art

Isle of Wright Plaza by Photo Cine Art

Isle of Wright Plaza party by Photo Cine Art

Isle of Wright Plaza at night by Photo Cine Art

Isle of Wright Plaza at night photo by Photo Cine Art

Isle of Wright Plaza at night


Element Terrace

Preferred reception location for many Hard Rock Punta Cana couples. Both Element Terrace and Torro Terrace have great view at the HR pools and the ocean. Both has open and covered area so you are safe even in the case of rain. Long, wide bar at the covered area and very skilled barmen in both of those, will make sure your wedding reception party raise to a legendary level.


Element Terrace party by Photo Cine Art

Element Terrace by Photo Cine Art

Element Terrace bridal party intro

Look from Element Terrace HR

Element Terrace

Element Terrace HRPC party time

Element Terrace HR

Element Terrace HR photo by Photo Cine Art

Element Terrace HR party time

Element Terrace HR by Photo Cine Art

Element Terrace Hard Rock

Element Terrace Hard Rock Punta Cana

Element Terrace Hard Rock photo by Photo Cine Art

Element Terrace Hard Rock party by Photo Cine Art

Element Terrace Hard Rock by Photo Cine Art


Torro Terrace

Same as Element terrace. We witnessed some of greatest and craziest parties in Punta Cana on these two reception locations.


Toro Terrace HR PC

Toro Terrace

Toro Terrace speech photo by Photo Cine Art

Toro Terrace HRPC

Toro Terrace HRPC photo by Photo Cine Art

Toro Terrace HRPC party time

Toro Terrace HRPC party time by Photo Cine Art

Toro Terrace HRPC party by Photo Cine Art

Toro Terrace HRPC love sign by Photo Cine Art

Toro Terrace HRPC first dance by Photo Cine Art

Toro Terrace HRPC crazy party

Toro Terrace HR


Sax Pool

This location has both covered and opened space for tables and it’s directly placed next to the pool. It’s pretty large and suited to host largest of wedding receptions.


Sax Pool drone photo by Photo Cine Art

Sax Pool HRPC crazy party photo by Photo Cine Art

Sax Pool party HRPC

Sax Pool speeches HRPC

Sax Pool mom son dance HRPC

Sax Pool father daughter dance HRPC

Sax Pool first dance HRPC

Sax Pool HRPC first dance

Sax Pool HRPC night

Sax Pool HRPC decoration

Sax Pool HRPC photo by Photo Cine Art

Sax Pool HRPC night photo by Photo Cine Art

Sax Pool HRPC at night photo by Photo Cine Art

Sax Pool first dance by Photo Cine Art

Sax Pool HOTS firew dancers show photo by Photo Cine Art

Sax Pool HOTS photo by Photo Cine Art

Sax Pool garter toss photo by Photo Cine Art



Named Roxy, Fillmore, Avalon or Odeon, ballrooms can be adjusted to fit smaller or bigger groups, depending on availability and number of guests. Also, on the photos you can see both draped and non-draped options as well as starlight dance-floors and curtains. They all have one very important advantage over outdoor reception locations – they are all air conditioned!


Ballroom HRPC centerpiece

Ballroom HR first dance

Ballroom HR event

Ballroom Hard Rock

Ballroom Hard Rock Punta Cana photo by Photo Cine Art

Avalon Ballroom HRPC

Ballroom HRPC by Photo Cine Art

Ballroom HRPC bridal table by Photo Cine Art

Ballroom HRPC bridal party

Ballroom HRPC bridal party introduction

Ballroom HRPC bouquet toss

Ballroom HRPC garter toss

Ballroom HRPC garter removal

Ballroom HRPC First dance

Ballroom HRPC event photo by Photo Cine Art

Ballroom HRPC entrance

Ballroom HRPC emotions

Ballroom HRPC emotional dance

Ballroom HRPC dance

Ballroom HRPC

Ballroom HRPC reception

Ballroom HRPC photo by Photo Cine Art

Ballroom HRPC Mrs Mr

Ballroom HRPC mom son first dance

Ballroom HRPC mom son dance

Ballroom HRPC love sign photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer


Important note for great beach photo-shoot location

This is just a personal note from yours truly, Punta Cana wedding photographer. At the very end on the left side of the beach Hard Rock Hotel Punta Cana property, there is beautiful small palm tree forest. The whole area looks very natural, and rustic, with gorgeous, clean beach and lush green areas. It is absolutely perfect for amazing photo shoot and it’s an obligatory photo spot for me if the circumstances allow it. Since Hard Rock Punta Cana is humongous hotel, it’s a real advantage to have a wedding ceremony location close to left end of the hotel. It’s pretty impossible task to walk long distances after the beach ceremony at 90 degrees Fahrenheit, in the wedding dress.


Bridal party at palm tree forest HR Punta Cana wedding photographer

Sunset photo at palm tree forest HR by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Punta Cana wedding photographer Sunset at palm tree forest HRPC

Sun trough palm tree forest HR Punta Cana wedding photographer

Romantic couple @ palm tree forest HR Punta Cana wedding photographer

Palm tree forest HRPC by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Palm tree forest HRPC photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Palm tree forest HR Punta Cana wedding photographer

Palm tree forest HR photo by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Palm tree forest HR PC

Palm tree forest HR by Punta Cana wedding photographer

Fun at palm tree forest HR

First look at palm tree forest HRPC Punta Cana wedding photographer

Details palm tree forest HR

Couple at Palm tree forest HR

Couple at palm tree forest HR Punta Cana wedding photographer

Bridesmaids at palm tree forest HR

Bride at palm tree forest HR Punta Cana wedding photographer

Bride & groom at palm tree forest HRPC


Website: Hard Rock Hotels


Contact us today to book your wedding videographer in Punta Cana. Say hello to your happily ever after, beautifully captured frame by frame!